Box-Muller Transformation

    Sep 12, 2024

    The Box-Muller transformation is a method to construct a random variable that follows a Gaussian distribution by using a random variable that follows a uniform distribution.


    The Box-Muller transform is a method used to generate normally distributed random variables from uniformly distributed random variables.

    Specifically, it involves selecting two random variables, U1U_1 and U2U_2, which are uniformly distributed over the interval ([0,1]). The random variables XX and YY are constructed as follows:

    X=cos(2πU1)2lnU2X = \cos(2\pi U_1) \sqrt{-2\ln U_2} Y=sin(2πU1)2lnU2Y = \sin(2\pi U_1) \sqrt{-2\ln U_2}

    Then, XX and YY follow a normal distribution with a mean of 0 and a variance of 1.


    Assume that XX and YY are independent, normally distributed random variables with a mean of 0 and a variance of 1. Let p(X)p(X) and p(Y)p(Y) be their probability density functions. Thus, we have:

    p(X)=12πeX22,p(Y)=12πeY22p(X) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} e^{-\frac{X^2}{2}}, \\ p(Y) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} e^{-\frac{Y^2}{2}}

    Since XX and YY are independent, their joint probability density function is:

    p(X,Y)=12πeX2+Y22p(X,Y) = \frac{1}{2\pi} e^{-\frac{X^2 + Y^2}{2}}

    We now perform a coordinate transformation by defining:

    X=Rcos(θ),Y=Rsin(θ)X = R \cos(\theta), \\ Y = R \sin(\theta)

    Thus, the joint distribution in polar coordinates becomes:

    002π12πeR22RdθdR=1\int_{0}^{\infty} \int_{0}^{2\pi} \frac{1}{2\pi} e^{-\frac{R^2}{2}} R \, d\theta \, dR = 1

    From this, we can derive the distribution functions for RR and θ\theta, denoted as PRP_R and PθP_\theta:

    PR(Rr)=0r02π12πeR22RdθdR=1er22P_R(R \leq r) = \\ \int_{0}^{r} \int_{0}^{2\pi} \frac{1}{2\pi} e^{-\frac{R^2}{2}} R \, d\theta \, dR = 1 - e^{-\frac{r^2}{2}} Pθ(θϕ)=0ϕ012πeR22RdRdθ=ϕ2πP_\theta(\theta \leq \phi) = \\ \int_{0}^{\phi} \int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{1}{2\pi} e^{-\frac{R^2}{2}} R \, dR \, d\theta = \frac{\phi}{2\pi}

    It is evident that θ\theta follows a uniform distribution over [0,2π][0, 2\pi]. Let

    FR=1er22F_R = 1 - e^{-\frac{r^2}{2}}

    The inverse function is given by:

    R=FR1(z)=2ln(1z)R = F_R^{-1}(z) \\ = \sqrt{-2 \ln(1 - z)}

    When zz is uniformly distributed over [0,1][0,1], the distribution function of RR is FR(r)F_R(r). Therefore, we can select two random variables U1U_1 and U2U_2, uniformly distributed over [0,1][0,1], such that:

    θ=2πU1,1z=U2,R=2lnU2\theta = 2\pi U_1, \\ 1 - z = U_2, \\ R = \sqrt{-2 \ln U_2}

    Substituting these into the earlier expressions, we obtain:

    X=Rcos(θ),Y=Rsin(θ)X = R \cos(\theta), \\ Y = R \sin(\theta)

    Thus, the original expressions for XX and YY are recovered, where they follow a normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 1.


    To generate a random variable XN(0,1)X \sim N(0,1) following a standard normal distribution, we note that the inverse of the error function erf1\mathrm{erf}^{-1} is not elementary. Using a series expansion to approximate this inverse can introduce significant computational error.

    Elementary functions, on the other hand, have well-established high-precision algorithms. Thus, we aim to construct a normally distributed random variable from a uniformly distributed one using elementary functions.

    Let U,V(0,1)U, V \in (0,1) be uniformly distributed random variables. Consider the following transformations:

    X=2lnUcos(2πV),Y=2lnUsin(2πV)X = \sqrt{-2\ln U} \cos(2\pi V), \\ Y = \sqrt{-2\ln U} \sin(2\pi V)

    Next, we verify that XX and YY are independent and follow a standard normal distribution.


    R=X2+Y2,Θ=arctan(YX)R = \sqrt{X^2 + Y^2}, \\ \Theta = \arctan\left(\frac{Y}{X}\right)

    Note that Θ=2πV\Theta = 2\pi V and R=2lnUR = \sqrt{-2\ln U}. We now show that RR and Θ\Theta, under the polar coordinate transformation, are independent and that they yield standard normal random variables.

    Consider the probability density function of one variable when the other

    is fixed. The probability density function of Θ\Theta is:

    PΘ(Θ)=12πP_\Theta(\Theta) = \frac{1}{2\pi}

    which is straightforward. For RR, the cumulative distribution function is:

    P(RR0)=P(Uexp(R022))P(R \leq R_0) = \\ P\left(U \leq \exp\left(\frac{-R_0^2}{2}\right)\right)

    Thus, the probability density function of RR is:

    PR(R)=ReR22P_R(R) = R e^{-\frac{R^2}{2}}

    Hence, the joint probability density of RR and Θ\Theta is:

    P(R,Θ)=12πReR22P(R, \Theta) = \frac{1}{2\pi} R e^{-\frac{R^2}{2}}

    Since the polar coordinates yield:

    RdRdΘ=dXdYR \, dR \, d\Theta = dX \, dY

    we obtain the joint probability density of XX and YY:

    P(X,Y)=12πeX2+Y22=(12πeX22)(12πeY22)P(X,Y) = \frac{1}{2\pi} e^{-\frac{X^2 + Y^2}{2}} \\ = \left(\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} e^{-\frac{X^2}{2}}\right) \left(\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} e^{-\frac{Y^2}{2}}\right)

    This is precisely the probability density function of two independent, normally distributed random variables XX and YY, each following a standard normal distribution.

    Code Implementation

    function randInterval(): number {
      return Math.random();
    function boxMuller(mu: number, sigma: number): [number, number] {
      const u = randInterval();
      const v = randInterval();
      const x = Math.cos(2 * Math.PI * u) * Math.sqrt(-2 * Math.log(v));
      const y = Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * u) * Math.sqrt(-2 * Math.log(v));
      return [x * sigma + mu, y * sigma + mu];
    // Usage example
    const [value1, value2] = boxMuller(0, 1);
    console.log(value1, value2);
    // Outputs two normally distributed random numbers

    To verify that the boxMuller function generates numbers that follow a normal distribution, one can generate a large set of random numbers and plot a histogram to compare with a standard normal distribution. You can use libraries such as plotly to visualize the histogram and evaluate the output.

    Here is a test program that generates a dataset using the boxMuller function and performs basic statistical tests, along with plotting the histogram. Assuming you are running in a Node.js environment, you can use plotly-nodejs or directly use plotly.js in the browser to generate the graph.

    First, install the required dependencies:

    npm i plotly.js-dist

    Then, execute the following code:

    import * as fs from "fs";
    import * as plotly from "plotly.js-dist";
    // Generate random numbers following a normal distribution using Box-Muller
    function randInterval(): number {
      return Math.random();
    function boxMuller(mu: number, sigma: number): [number, number] {
      const u = randInterval();
      const v = randInterval();
      const x = Math.cos(2 * Math.PI * u) * Math.sqrt(-2 * Math.log(v));
      const y = Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * u) * Math.sqrt(-2 * Math.log(v));
      return [x * sigma + mu, y * sigma + mu];
    // Generate n normally distributed random numbers
    function generateNormalDistribution(
      mu: number,
      sigma: number,
      n: number
    ): number[] {
      const values: number[] = [];
      for (let i = 0; i < n / 2; i++) {
        const [value1, value2] = boxMuller(mu, sigma);
        values.push(value1, value2);
      return values;
    // Generate the data
    const mu = 0;
    const sigma = 1;
    const sampleSize = 10000; // Sample size
    const values = generateNormalDistribution(mu, sigma, sampleSize);
    // Calculate the mean and variance of the generated random numbers
    const mean = values.reduce((acc, val) => acc + val, 0) / values.length;
    const variance =
      values.reduce((acc, val) => acc + (val - mean) ** 2, 0) / values.length;
    console.log(`Mean: ${mean}`);
    console.log(`Variance: ${variance}`);
    // Plot the histogram
    const trace = {
      x: values,
      type: "histogram",
      xbins: {
        size: 0.1, // Bin size for the histogram
      marker: {
        color: "blue",
      opacity: 0.7,
      name: "Box-Muller Distribution",
    const data = [trace];
    const layout = {
      title: "Generated Normal Distribution",
      xaxis: { title: "Value" },
      yaxis: { title: "Frequency" },
      bargap: 0.05,
    const graphOptions = {
      filename: "box-muller-distribution",
      fileopt: "overwrite",
    fs.writeFileSync("box-muller.html", plotly.plot(data, layout, graphOptions));
    console.log("Box-Muller distribution data saved as box-muller.html.");

    This program uses the boxMuller function to generate 10,000 random numbers that follow a normal distribution. It calculates the mean and variance of the generated dataset. The random numbers are visualized using a histogram, allowing for a direct comparison with a standard normal distribution. The histogram is saved as a file named box-muller.html, which can be opened in a browser for viewing.

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